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Kingston’s new Leisure Centre

Kingston Leisure Centre

Kingston's new leisure centre. Have your say

With Kingston residents paying the highest council tax of all London boroughs and forking out an average 5.7% on top of last year’s bill, it’s easy to get irate over the lack of sports and swimming facilities in and around the town centre.

The old Kingfisher leisure centre closed over 5 years ago declared too costly to repair. Then, amid accusations of incompetent council handling and funding shortfalls, the Kingfisher was demolished in 2021. Speculation over the swift action taken to bulldoze rather than repair was rife.

The proposed replacement will stand on the same ground as the Kingfisher. The limited footprint brings additional problems since the catchment area has been swelled by recent building programmes. The council’s latest plans for the new leisure centre are available for residents to have their say. The new plans take into account previous resident consultations.

The online survey closes 4th August 2024.

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